Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinic MN


August 11, 2025 through August 12, 2025
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
St. Paul, MN


Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinic
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
700 Snelling Avenue S
St. Paul, MN 55116

Augsburg Fortress looks forward to seeing you in the Twin Cities at our FREE Summer Music Clinic!

This summer, join hundreds of other church musicians in exploring fresh and innovative ways to enliven music in worship.Summer Music Clinics are designed for everyone involved in creating and planning music for worship.

Connect with other church musicians while previewing new seasonal music, discover ways to refresh worship with new resources, and join other musicians and the community for a hymn festival.

Don't miss handbell clinician, Cathy Moklebust, followed by a children's choir session which will feature Choristers Guild publications.

More information coming soon.